detail (l.50)
1 0
  pridané 13.2.2018 8:22
Elf lives matters
detail (l.86)
5 3
nameless one
  pridané 12.2.2018 22:43
Clovek v tejto propagandistickej dristacke bude samozrejme symbolizovat belocha a ten bude zo vsetkych najhorsi. No a samozrejme trpaslik mu vysvetli ako sa veci maju a ze tisicrocna vojna medzi ludmi a trpaslikmi bolo iba nedorozumenie a nech mu da rovno aj najest. O dva luny neskor trpaslik bude chciet odmenu za quest 3x vyssiu nez dostava bezny clovek. O dalsiu lunu bude chciet dostavat 30 goldov denne za nic nerobenie a o cely cyklus sa clovek radsej odstahuje na uzemie goblinov lebo trpaslikov tam bude akosi plno.
detail (l.137)
  pridané 12.2.2018 22:03
ako drzim im palce ale asi nebudu mat moc velku cielovku kedze vacsina hracov su rasisticky homofoby hulvati :D
detail (l.132)
SimonJe -> peter5713
  pridané 12.2.2018 21:23
Segregaciou sa ale tieto problemy nevyriesia, hockao mozu byt mensiny problemove, rovnako ani nie principom kolektivnej viny ;) vid romska problematika.
detail (l.192)
2 0
  pridané 12.2.2018 14:47
strávil som nejaký čas a niekedy som mal pocit, že som na blízkom východe - neby toho snehu a pravidelného dažďa, ktorý vedel prís od mora do pol hodiny
detail (l.599)
3 4
ace -> peter5713
  pridané 12.2.2018 14:31
preveruj svoje zdroje. preco by som mal verit niekomu, kto ma za sebou takuto historiu zverejnovania falosnych sprav?

In 2011and 2012, Gatestone published articles claiming that Europe had Muslim "no-go zones", describing them variously as "off-limits to non-Muslims" and "microstates governed by Islamic Sharia law". The claim that there are areas in European cities governed by Sharia is false, although many of the areas deemed as "no-go zones" have high levels of unemployment and crime. Gatestones claims were picked up by many outlets, including FrontPageMag, and Washington Times. The idea of no-go zones originated from Daniel Pipes, who later retracted his claims.

On November 18, 2016, Gatestone published an article that said the British Press had been ordered to avoid reporting the Muslim identity of terrorists by the European Union. Snopes rated the claim "false". Snopes pointed out that the report only made a recommendation and it was issued by the Council of Europe, not the European Union. Gatestone subsequently corrected the article and apologized for the error, before removing it entirely from its website.

The Gatestone Institute published false articles during the German federal election of 2017. A Gatestone article, shared thousands of times on social media, including by senior German far-right politicians, claimed that vacant homes were being seized in Germany to provide housing solutions for "hundreds of thousands of migrants from Africa, Asia, and the Middle East." The German fact-checker Correctiv.org found that this was false; a single house was placed in temporary trusteeship, and had nothing to do with refugees whatsoever. Gatestone also cross-posted a Daily Mail article, which "grossly mischaracterized crime data" concerning crime by refugees in Germany.
detail (l.68)
3 4
  pridané 12.2.2018 14:23
ááá, butthurt rasisti sa už roja...
detail (l.143)
  pridané 12.2.2018 13:51
tak každá hra by mala ma aj výchovný charakter.
detail (l.148)
3 4
peter5713 -> saver
  pridané 12.2.2018 13:45 (editované 12.2.2018 13:48)
Sú aj štatistiky, kde sa uvádza kriminalita po príchode moslimských migrantov.

detail (l.100)
3 0
Chairman Drek
  pridané 12.2.2018 13:36
Hlavná postava je aký gender?
detail (l.599)
saver -> peter5713
  pridané 12.2.2018 13:34
detail (l.148)
6 2
  pridané 12.2.2018 13:27
Stále omiežajú rasizmus voči inej farbe pleti, ale rasizmus voči domácim obyvatežom krajín už nikoho nezaujíma Švédi majú čo hovori, keď tam vďaka moslimom majú vysokú kriminalitu.